Many of us buy BCAA amino acids exclusively by evaluating the brand or on the advice of friends, without knowing what's really in the BCAA pack and why they're buying it. In such a diverse and competitive marketplace, everyone tries to beat the rest with new formulas or scientifically supported added ingredients. Are these formulas new and improved or is this just a marketing round?

The BCAA report

At one point the original ratio of 2: 1: 1 became 'old' and needed something new to increase sales, ratios 4: 1: 1 then the ratio 8: 1: 1 now were also 12: 1: 1. The theory behind this was the undeniable importance of leucine and sufficient leucine within the body / diet.

In this case, is it really better?

There is certainly no argument for those who want a higher dosage of leucine than the iso-leucine and valine content. This has led people to assume or believe that the higher the leucine ratio, the better.

However, studies have been made that show that leucine alone does not produce the same results as a BCAA 2: 1 product. This does not mean that a high leucine content is not an improvement, but it does support the importance of valine and isoleucine within a BCAA product. The only ratio that has studies supporting it is 2: 1: 1. This is also the natural amine ratio found within muscle.

Because Leucine is not the only target.

During exercise, seratonin is released and this can cause fatigue or fatigue in the body, however, Valine competes with sertonin to "enter" the brain, so proper or sufficient dosage of valine will lead to a reduction in fatigue.
isoleucine has been shown to stimulate PPAR which inhibits fat deposition and increases fat burning. This is both in general and during training. However, these tests were performed on mice instead of humans.
Now, again, this does not show that a higher ratio of Leucine is negative, but it does show that it is essential to have a fairly high dosage of valine and isoleucine. A ratio of 2: 1: 1 is enough to have enough leucine (3 g) to stimulate protein synthesis, above this will increase the cost of the product and there is the fear / theory that too much leucine may lead to a breakdown in the other branch chains. Looking at the profile of a GAEC, observe for at least 3 g of leucine-1 g of valine and 1 g of isoleucine per serving. To achieve this, a ratio of 2: 1: 1-4: 1 is required.

The next stage of progression

Once the reports were not enough to put aside doubts about the Bcaa, other ingredients were added to bring further benefits. The most common of these are:

Citrate Malate

The citrine patient stimulates the production of ATP by working against toxins / pollutants in the body, these are things like lactic aid and ammonia that exert all causes on the body. Citrate sick also improves arginine in blood plasma, this in turn leads to increased NO (pump) production. Cit Mal in the correct dosage is a brilliant ingredient to include especially at the right time, this for me is Pre training.

Beta Alanine

It is a non-essential amino acid. It is used and demonstrated in clinical trials to improve performance for strength or high intensity training and is also supported to delay muscle fatigue in adults. an effective dose of this is 3 grams.
Beta-alanine is found in several pre-workouts, you will often associate it with a tingling sensation on the skin, face and ears etc. This tingling is why I would not want to sip a BCAA with Beta Alanine at a reasonable dosage all day or night before going to bed.


Like sodium and potassium. When the levels of these in the body are sufficient, they will fill the cells within the body keeping them strong and functioning. This is essential for your body, drinking too much water and not replacing these minerals can have terrible consequences and not only on performance. When you sweat, you lose these minerals, so having a BCAA with these in can really benefit your workout. Especially for someone like me who will drink litres of water during a training session. Adding a few electrolytes will ensure that I don't drain all the electrolytes currently in my system.


This is one of my favorite things to supplement. Any product in which it is present will attract my attention, but will run the risk of frustrating me by including only a small amount of traces so that it can appear in the tank. Glutamine has numerous benefits ranging from immune function to growth hormone production. The 61el skeletal muscle is glutamine and is the main carrier of nitrogen within the muscles. However, you should aim at 10-15 g of glutamine per day, so 1 serving of a BCAA with 1 g of glutamine won't do much for you. If there is a decent dosage of glutamine in my BCAA I like it, but I will continue to supplement the glutamine separately.

What is the best ingredient

There is no perfect ingredient to add, this will vary from person to person with the way they respond and the goal of their workout/exercise. You like to sip your amino acids during the day, especially when you're on a diet, so watch out for any high dose of beta-alanine. However, added electrolytes do not cause a problem with this. But if your BCAA supplement was only for pre/intra training, you can play by changing the ratio in your BCAA supplement.

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